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Hot Weather Policy

If the forecast maximum temperature for West Terrace Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) , broadcast at 8am on the day, is 32C or over, morning classes will not be run.

Tuesday evening classes will not run if the West Tce BOM temperature at 5pm is 35C or above.

Training will not occur during wet weather (continuous heavy rain, high winds, thunder,  lightning etc).



Parkland 17, Adelaide South Parklands

access from Beaumont Road

Training Times

Tuesday morning

Foundation 1 & 2
10.15 - 11am
Advanced Skills
10.15 - 12noon
Foundation 3 Intermediate Skills and Obedience Obedience Trialling
11.15 - 12 noon

Tuesday evening

Obedience Trial Ring Training
6.30 - 8pm
Foundation 1 & 2
7.15 - 8pm
Foundation 3 Intermediate Skills and Obedience
8.15 -9pm

No training held in December or January.

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